Lake of the Woods Museum Newsletter
Vol. 17 No. 1 – Winter 2007

By The Miner and News


  • The J.W. Stone Boat Manufacturing Company moved from its original Main Street premises to expanded quarters at the foot of Main Street. The company manufactured all styles of motorboats, launches, rowboats, sailboats and canoes. They also offered boat storage and livery.
  • An evening of entertainment during the winter months was often found at the Victoria Rink. There was always good attendance on band night.
  • The Hilliard Opera House hosted the 1907 Heavy Weight Championship of Canada match between Vernon Austin of Port Arthur and Tom McCune of Brandon. The Bantam Championship of Canada between Jim Connolly of Winnipeg and Bob Cooper of London, England was also held at the Opera House in Kenora.
  • Local businesses operating in Kenora in 1907 included:
    • Gardner & Co.
    • White & Manahan
    • G.M. Rioch Jewellers
    • Kenora Meat Market, where you could buy lobster, salmon, halibut, finnan haddie, smelts, herring, and blood puddings.
    • Oyster House Restaurant
    • Hudson’s Bay Company
    • Peoples’ Restaurant, which featured breakfasts, dinners and suppers, each for 25c.
  • Announcements were made that the Tourist Hotel was to be built. It wasn’t completed until 1910, and was later re-named the Kenricia Hotel.
  • The decision was made to go ahead with the construction of a new highschool due to over-crowding in the existing school. Estimated cost was $26 000. The Kenora Highschool (later Northward School) opened for classes in September.
  • The Victoria Rink had its longest run of continuous ice on record. The rink opened for skating on December 5 and, barring one or two nights, was open right through to April 17.
  • Fourteen navigational buoys were placed on the Winnipeg River.
  • The Town of Keewatin advertised for a constable. His salary – $50.00/month.
  • Captain Thom Robinson of the steamer Daisy Moore came in from Whitefish Bay on May 28, making him the first to arrive in Kenora harbour from an outside point that year. He was presented with a fine Stetson hat by the Kenora Workingmen’s Clothing Store.
  • A by-law was passed through a public vote to establish a public library.
  • Building lots for sale in Woodland Park (a sub-division situated in the eastern part of town, just a short distance from the Maple Leaf Flour Mill, now the Canadian Wholesale Club) were selling for $50/lot and upwards. 50 x 150-foot lots in Maple Leaf Park (in the same vicinity) were starting at $25/lot.
  • Work commenced on the YMCA Building (now the Kenora Legion) and the community was canvassed to raise money to furnish and equip the new building.
  • The CPR’s photographer was in town taking scenic shots of Lake of the Woods for a pamphlet to encourage tourists to the area. Tourism became a focal point for economic development with the addition of potential improved accomodations for guests.
  • There was a jail break at the Kenora jail during which five convicts escaped through a hole they had dug in the wall. They were in jail for vaious crimes including robbery, arson, forgery, and break and enter.

Did you know?

Eddy Cobiness, Norval Morrisseau, and Carl Ray are three members of the Professional Native Indian Artists Incorporated, also known as the Indian Group of Seven are from the region of Lake of the Woods.