Safety at The Muse During COVID-19

by The Muse Staff

We are excited to be able to welcome you back to The Muse after an extended closure due to COVID-19.

We also wanted to inform you of the measures we have taken to ensure the safety of our visitors and staff when you do drop by. The following are in place:

  • Timed entry. In order to ensure appropriate and safe capacity in each of the facilities we have moved to a timed entry system. This means that we would ask you to phone ahead and book a time for touring through either the Art Centre or the Museum. The Douglas Family Art Centre phone number is (807)467-2201. The Lake of the Woods Museum phone number is (807)467-2105. We will try to accommodate drop-ins if we can.
  • Signage. Signs will be posted encouraging social distancing, room/elevator capacity and self-screening upon entrance.
    Plexi shields at the reception desks.
  • Regular disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces. Where items (e.g. museum artifacts) are not able to be disinfected, signage is present to indicate this. Where possible, hard-to-resist-touching artifacts have been removed from display. As well, please note that the washrooms in both facilities will not be disinfected after every use, so we strongly encourage diligent hand washing.
  • Hand sanitizer stations. You will asked to use hand sanitizer upon entry.
    Wearing of masks is encouraged although not required.
  • Contact tracing. We will be asking for your name and phone number/e-mail upon entry. This information will be kept private and will only be used where necessary for contact tracing.
  • Credit/debit as the preferred method of payment. The credit/debit machine will be cleaned after each use.
  • Appointments for researchers. If you wish to conduct research, you must make an appointment by calling (807)467-2105. Please note that when resources are used they will be isolated for a week before being available again.
  • Suspension of facility rentals.

We look forward to seeing you soon!


Lori, Braden, Marcus, Sophie, and Shelby

Did you know?

The Lake of the Woods gold rush in the 1890s brought miners and investors from across North America.  By 1893 there were 20 working gold mines on the Lake of the Woods.