In the Studio: Dreamcatcher Workshop with Zach Geychick

by Shelby Smith

In early January, The Muse partnered with Ne-Chee Friendship Centre to host a Dreamcatcher Workshop at the Douglas Family Art Centre, led by the talented Zach Geyshick.  The Muse would like to thank Julian Jordan of Ne-Chee Friendship Centre for his help in organizing this event, and Zach Geyshick for sharing his knowledge with us.

Zach generously gifted two of his dreamcatchers to the Art Centre, which are now hanging in the Foyer and the Studio.  Be sure to take a peak on your next visit!

Did you know?

The Lake of the Woods is a remnant of glacial Lake Agassiz and contains 14 542 islands. The underlying Precambrian bedrock is one of the oldest geological formations on earth.