Happy International Women’s Day!

by Braden Murray

A black and white photograph of six snowshoers in Kenora. C1920s.

A black and white photograph of six snowshoers in Kenora. C1920s. From left to right: ____________ , Hattie Cameron, ___________ , Connie Wilcox, Margaret Johnson.

Today is March 8th—International Women’s Day.

On this snowy day we take a moment to think about and honour the women in our lives who have contributed so much, who have shaped our past, and who will continue to shape our future.

To one and all—Happy International Women’s Day!

Did you know?

The Lake of the Woods is a remnant of glacial Lake Agassiz and contains 14 542 islands. The underlying Precambrian bedrock is one of the oldest geological formations on earth.