The World Sculling Champion Jake Gaudaur Sr.


by Braden Murray


Did You Know:

The World Sculling Champion Jake Gaudaur Sr. lived in Rat Portage (Kenora) for several years around the turn of the century. While he lived in Rat Portage he owned the Russell House Hotel.
He lost his world championship to George Towns in a one on one championship race on September 7th, 1901. The race began where the White Cap Pavilion now sits, and was to the tip of Coney and back.

Jake Gaudaur was featured on a Goodwins Championship Series cigarette card in 1888. The collectible cards were sold across North America.

Photo credits: Unknown

Did you know?

In 1870 the Wolseley Expedition went through this area on route to the Red River Valley. Major General Garnet Wolseley got impatient and set out to cross the lake in a storm.  He got lost on the Lake of the Woods for two whole days!