Mar 26 - Jun 08, 2024 Lake of the woods museum

UnEarthed: Geology and Archaeology of Lake of the Woods


We all know Lake of The Woods as a beautiful place with a rich history. Have we ever stopped to think about the history and the resources that can be found beneath the surface? We would like to take you on a journey of discovery, examining what can be found in our own backyards; or under them. UnEarthed is an exhibition that will explore geology and archaeology of Lake of The Woods and Northwestern Ontario, with hands on examples of different things we find below the surface. Come learn about mineral resources, archaological discovery, repatriation, and more at Lake of The Woods Museum this spring.

Did you know?

Some names that were originally considered instead of Kenora were— Sultana, Island City, Norman, Pequonga, Lakeside, Imperial, Portage Falls, and Goldwater.