Jan 23 - Mar 02, 2024 Lake of the woods museum

Strike a Pose: Portraits from the Collection

a black and white photograph of a young man with a moustache holding a camera in front of him, seemingly taking a “mirror selfie” with the words “Strike a Pose : portraits from the collection” written across the image in white lettering
Lake of the Woods Museum is very excited to present “Strike A Pose: Portraits From The Collection” as our first exhibition of 2024. Some of you may recognize this exhibit, as it was originally intended to be on display in late 2020. However, emergency closures meant that this exhibition was not able to receive many visitors or get the time it deserved, so it is making a return! For over 50 years the Lake of the Woods Museum has been collecting photographs of our region and the people who live here. In those years the museum has amassed a collection of over 20,000 photographs. Strike a Pose: Portraits from the Collection is a selection of over 60 of the most compelling and striking portraits from our extensive photo collection. Spanning many different subject areas, and with some photos dating to the 1880s, this wide ranging portrait exhibit is sure to please the both the history lover and the photography aficionado. Be sure to pay us a visit between January 23rd and March 2nd to take a look at these stunning photographs. 

Did you know?

There is archaeological evidence of people living on the Lake of the Woods for thousands of years.  Radiocarbon dating places humans at the north end of the lake as early as 200 B.C.