UniveX Camera

by Marcus Jeffery

Lately, we have seen a tonne of thoughtful, creative, and sometimes downright funny ways to keep occupied while at home. Today, anyone with a mobile phone, tablet, or notebook computer can turn their kitchen table into a film studio. In the 1930s and 1940s, handheld 8mm movie cameras like this one from UniveX were the tool of choice. Starting at around $180 (in 2020 currency), these little wonders often came in complete home movie kits, giving users the chance to splice together their very own films. The only drawback: they only shot in black and white — though I’m sure the penguins at a certain aquarium wouldn’t mind.  

Did you know?

Eddy Cobiness, Norval Morrisseau, and Carl Ray are three members of the Professional Native Indian Artists Incorporated, also known as the Indian Group of Seven are from the region of Lake of the Woods.