Shop the Muse: Handcrafted Fishing Lures
by Shelby Smith and Marcus Jeffrey

Does your Dad love to fish?
If so, these beautiful, hand carved lures by Pete Horley are sure to be a hit for Father’s Day! Prices range from $12 for the small but mighty “Popit,” to $20 for the popular “Zig-Zag,” and $30 for the legendary “Beaver Stick.”
Available for curb-side pick-up from the Douglas Family Art Centre. Call 807-467-2201 to place your order and arrange pick-up. Pick-up for Father’s Day available today and Saturday until 5pm.
Pete Horley has been carving fishing lures and making other handcrafted items for over 20 years. Most of his lures are carved from poplar driftwood which comes about as a result of beavers chewing down trees — hence the name “Beaver Stick” which is the name give to some of his lures.
Each lure is signed and numbered to ensure its authenticity. They undergo a lengthy production process consisting of 15 different steps. To name just a few of the steps: there is the carving, then hand-sanding, followed by two coats of white primer, various colours are then applied. Stainless steel screw eyes are threaded using super epoxy glue for added strength. Pete then proceeds to apply two coats of clear scratch-resistant finish. Once that is dry, the hooks and stainless steel split rings can be attached.
After this lengthy process, a piece of wood which started out as a delicious snack for a Canadian Beaver has now become a fully functional fishing lure that can go on to catch fish for many years to come.
Did you know?
The editor of the local newspaper pushed for Kenora to be named “Tresilva” instead. He thought the word was excellent because it could be written without lifting the pen off the paper. The name Tresilva was tremendously unpopular with the townsfolk and was quickly abandoned.