Museum from Home: Happy International Tea Day!

by Shelby Smith


It’s International Tea Day! ☕️

Did you know that tea is the world’s second most consumed drink? Of course water took the #1 spot!

Here is an image from one of our display cases at the Lake of the Woods Museum. Since you can’t visit us in person, check out what our guide book has to say about the contents of this case:


Image featuring a painting by Danielle Fixico of the side profile of an indigenous woman with a tear streaming down her face.  Text in the background of the artwork featuring various words and phrases such as: daughters, no peace, justice, #notinvisible, etc.  On the right side is a block of red with text reading "WEAR RED ON MAY 5TH / National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls."
“In 1895, the Canniff & Johnson drugstore advertised that a specialty in their china department was view-china, including views of the falls at Rat Portage, and many other scenes on Lake of the Woods. Such souvenir china would not have been unique to Rat Portage, other than the images that appeared on them. The manufacturer would simply have transferred the selected images onto stock china and sold it to local retailers.
Popular images included Ka-ka-be-kitchewan Falls, Keenora Beach, Sultana Mine, the steamboat Keenora, Winnipeg River Dam, Devil’s Gap, the Court House, and the Tourist Hotel (now the Kenricia).”

Did you know?

In 1916 Kenora produced the most flour of any city in Canada. Between the Lake of the Woods Milling Company in Keewatin and the Maple Leaf Milling in Kenora they produced 13,000 barrels of flour a day