Happy Canadian Rivers Day!

by Shelby Smith

Happy Canadian Rivers Day

Canadian Rivers Day is held annually on the second Sunday in June to promote public awareness of the importance of preserving the heritage and health of Canada’s rivers.

With over two million lakes and rivers and 20 per cent of the world’s freshwater, Canada has an incredible abundance of aquatic natural resources. Canadians share a deep historical connection to freshwater; we rely on it for transportation, for resources, for employment, for food and for recreation — swimming, boating, fishing or simply admiring the scenery of a natural lake or wild river.

Canadian Wildlife Federation.

We hope that you can celebrate today by spending some time outside appreciating out rivers, lakes, and all that nature has to offer.

Logo for The Muse - Lake of the Woods Museum & Douglas Family Art Centre

Steamer Nipigon on the Winnipeg River, by Carl Linde (postcard from Wood’s Drug Store, Kenora).

Did you know?

Many of the properties in the Kenora area were originally gold claims— the properties on Hilly Lake were originally gold claims owned by inventor Thomas Edison