Jun 14 - Jul 16, 2022 Lake of the woods museum

35th Annual Lake of the Woods Quilters Guild Quilt Show

Quilt depicting the flower Rudbeckia hirta (Black-eyed susan) on a dark background.

We are so pleased to welcome back the Lake of the Woods Quilters Guild. After a two year hiatus, they will be returning to the Lake of the Woods Museum with their 35th annual show. 

Always a crowd-pleaser, this exhibit features the work of members of the local guild which they have completed since the last exhibition. Their hand-pieced and quilted and/or machine quilted works range from full-size bed quilts, to wall-hangings, table runners, clothing, etc. It is always a spectacular show of creativity and skill. 

Did you know?

The Lake of the Woods is a remnant of glacial Lake Agassiz and contains 14 542 islands. The underlying Precambrian bedrock is one of the oldest geological formations on earth.