Call for Submissions: MNRF’s Kids’ Fish Art Contest

by Shelby Smith


The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) is hosting their 18th annual Kids’ Fish Art Contest! This free annual contest lets you show off your artistic talents and learn about Ontario’s native fish and their habitats.

The contest is open to all Ontario children attending school or homeschooled between grades 4-12.  

There will be one winner selected for each of the following three categories:

  • grades 4–6
  • grades 7–9
  • grades 10–12

Winners will be announced in July 2021.

Contest winners and their classrooms receive great prizes. This year’s prizes include:

  • fishing gear from Lucky Strike Baitworks
  • classroom art supplies from Staedtler Mars

The overall winner will have their artwork on the cover of the 2022 Fishing Regulations Summary.

Read more about the contest and download your entry form by visiting the contest page!


Did you know?

The Burley Mine was a single shaft gold mine that was sunk into a very small rock outcrop on the lake.  To stabilize the entrance the owners built cribbing around the rock.  The small, perfectly square island remains there to this day.